Local bike tour on sundays
Travelers who like to bike during their trip to Antalya, have plenty of opportunities to so. At Seki Cottages, there are several bikes at the disposal of our guests at no extra charge. There are also many bike rentals in the region, and biking tours organized for tourists. But for those who want to join likeminded locals, each Sunday a group of Manavgat’ers is biking through the countryside.
There are two alternating tours every Sunday, one week the group cycles a 32 km route, more suited for civilians like me, the next week the serious bikers have a 60+ km tour up in the mountains.
The Sunday that I joined the group, we met at 9 am at the Madosk (Manavgat outdoor sports club) office (see map), taking off around 15 minutes later. I was given a mountain bike (with 21 gears), which I thought was good, easy to handle.
The route we chose took us through some quiet suburbs of Manavgat and a lot of fields – all framed by the beautiful Toros Mountains. For me the road was not really easy, it was mostly straight but we went up a few slopes, but it was doable and I assume that for the seasoned bikers among you it would be a piece of cake. A little over two-and-a-half hours later we arrived at the Oymapinar lake.
Here, we had one of Manavgat’s signature brunches, a rich assortment of sweet and savory dishes, eggs and bread. After breakfast there was still time to take a small stroll along the lake and get to know some of the regulars of the group. We started to head back roughly one hour later, took the main road and arrived back at the Madosk office some 90 minutes later.
To participate, please call Hüseyin, the organizer and ask him when the next trip will be and inform him if you will be needing a bike and a helmet. If you bring your own bike, the only expense will be the breakfast (15TL). If you will rent one of the bikes (as I did, see photo), you will have to contribute 20TL.
When: Every second Sunday
Where: Manavgat Madosk office (see map)
Duration: 5½ hours
Difficulty level: medium
Expenses: 15 TL for breakfast, plus 20 TL if you rented
Equipment needed: Bike, helmet (if you do not rent), water, small snack